For Investors
A Commodity Market Investment: Commodities can be an important way to diversify your portfolios beyond traditional securities. Because the prices of commodities tend to move in opposition to stocks, some investors also rely on commodities during periods of market volatility. FuelAmerica buys fuel wholesale and sells retail for a profit. From refinery to customer no middleman gas stations, convenience store fees.
We are in the Downstream phase of the Oil and Gas Industry
Downstream companies buy oil from producers, and then sell the refined products they manufacture for more money to end users. This difference means they're less sensitive to oil price volatility, which enables them to generate more free cash flow that they tend to return to investors. Those factors can make downstream oil and gas companies more appealing options for investors who don't like all the volatility that often comes with owning an upstream oil producer.
Member of OPIS
OPIS is a Dow Jones Company
Purchasing wholesale fuel on spot (or rack) is an alternative to contracts. The term “spot” marketing refers to buying gas on-the-spot, and can refer to a purchase made immediately or in the very near future. There are no branding options or obligations for retailers who purchase spot wholesale gas.
Contracts are in negotiation in certain states as we expand